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Many people contest that stars and planets cannot affect human beings on earth, but the practical experience of thousands of years has confirmed that planets profoundly influence life on earth.
Full moon and new moon are said to have influence on some people. The word lunatic originated thousands of years ago. From this it is evident that men long ago noticed a connection between the moon and mental instability. Many diseases such as Asthama and epilepsy have a direct connection with moon.
The menstrual cycle in women happens with in the lunar cycle of twenty-eight day. Those who are practicing meditation will have good concentration on the day of full moon and new moon. This phenomenon can be practically verified.
Medical plants grow due to the influence of moon. If we take rest in an open ground under the moon mental tranquility and peace can be felt.
Plants grow in sunlight by taking water and other minerals from earth. So far the growth of plants, sunlight is very important. Without proper sunlight the growth of the plant will be affected.
During the daytime all the living beings will be active and during the night time all the living being will be in sleeping state. Day and nights are formed due to the rotation of earth about its own axis. Seasons are formed due to the rotation of earth around the sun. Because of seasons, many changes takes place in human beings, animals and plant life.
In cold countries people are white in complexion and in hot countries they are black. All these changes take place only because of different climatic conditions.
In the similar manner all the planets affect the human beings on earth. The rays of every planet have some special qualities like metals and chemicals. Just like chemical changes, the rays of the planets if they combine in a house under go certain changes and the results vary according to the nature and position of the planets.